full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Vijay Kumar: Robots that fly ... and cooperate

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And so what the robot does, is it plans what we call a minimum-snap trajectory. So to remind you of physics: You have pisioton, derivative, velocity; then acceleration; and then comes jerk, and then comes snap. So this robot minimizes snap. So what that effectively does, is produce a smooth and graceful motion. And it does that avoiding oblasetcs. So these minimum-snap trajectories in this flat sapce are then tosmrrnaefd back into this complicated 12-dimensional space, which the robot must do for control and then execution.

Open Cloze

And so what the robot does, is it plans what we call a minimum-snap trajectory. So to remind you of physics: You have ________, derivative, velocity; then acceleration; and then comes jerk, and then comes snap. So this robot minimizes snap. So what that effectively does, is produce a smooth and graceful motion. And it does that avoiding _________. So these minimum-snap trajectories in this flat _____ are then ___________ back into this complicated 12-dimensional space, which the robot must do for control and then execution.


  1. space
  2. transformed
  3. obstacles
  4. position

Original Text

And so what the robot does, is it plans what we call a minimum-snap trajectory. So to remind you of physics: You have position, derivative, velocity; then acceleration; and then comes jerk, and then comes snap. So this robot minimizes snap. So what that effectively does, is produce a smooth and graceful motion. And it does that avoiding obstacles. So these minimum-snap trajectories in this flat space are then transformed back into this complicated 12-dimensional space, which the robot must do for control and then execution.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
robots carrying 2
small robots 2
coordinate system 2

Important Words

  1. avoiding
  2. call
  3. complicated
  4. control
  5. derivative
  6. effectively
  7. execution
  8. flat
  9. graceful
  10. jerk
  11. minimizes
  12. motion
  13. obstacles
  14. plans
  15. position
  16. produce
  17. remind
  18. robot
  19. smooth
  20. snap
  21. space
  22. trajectories
  23. trajectory
  24. transformed